BRF- Paper- I Sem- V Question Bank
Regulatory Framework Paper- I
A) Short Answer Questions
Module- I The Indian Contract Act 1872
1. Explain nature/ factors of contract?
2. Explain the sources of business law?
3. Explain conditions for lawful contract
4. Explain the classification of the contract?
5. Explain the methods of completion of contract
6. Explain the Persons disqualified by law for
Module- II Special Contract
1. Explain the Contract of Bailment in short?
2. Explain the Rights of Bailor?
3. Explain the Duties of Bailor?
4. Explain the essential things for the contract of
5. Explain the Rights of Bailee?
Module- III Sale of Goods Act- 1930
1. Explain the difference between Sale and Agreement
to Sale?
2. Explain the creation of Agreement to sale?
3. Explain the features of agreement to sale?
4. Explain the rights of unpaid seller?
5. Explain the Performance of Contract of sale?
Module- IV Consumer Protection Act- 1986
Explain the concepts in the consumer protection act?
2. Explain the features of the consumer protection
3. Explain the rights of consumer as per consumer
protection act?
Explain the need and objectives of consumer protection act?
5. Explain the concept of complaint or compliant
application under consumer protection act?
B) Long Answer Questions
Module- I The Indian Contract Act 1872
1. What is contract? Explain the types of contract?
2. What is breach of contract? Explain the remedies
for breach of contract?
3. What is contract? Explain the essential
elements/conditions for lawful contract?
4. What is contract? Explain the methods/ modes of
discharge of contract?
5. Explain the nature of contract and the sources of
business laws?
Module- II Special Contract
1. What is Contract of Bailment? Explain the Rights
and Duties of Bailor?
2. What is Pledge? Explain the difference between Pledge
and Bailment?
3. What is Pledge? Explain the Rights and Duties of
4. What is mean by Agent? Explain the Essentials of
contract of agency?
5. What is the contract of Agency? Explain the process
of creation of Agency?
6. What is contract of agency? Explain the rights
and duties of Agent?
Module- III Sale of Goods Act- 1930
1. What is contract of sale of goods? Explain the conditions
of contract of sale of goods.
2. What is Sale and Agreement to Sale and explain
the difference between Sale and Agreement to Sale?
3. What is contract of sale of goods? Explain the Express
and Implied Conditions of Contract of Sale of Goods?
4. What are the types of Delivery of goods? Explain
the rules regarding delivery of Goods?
5. What is the concept of Unpaid Seller? Explain the
rights of Unpaid Seller?
6. What is contract of sale? Explain the essential
elements/characteristics of valid contract of sale?
Module- IV Consumer Protection Act- 1986
1. What is consumer
protection act? Explain the objectives of consumer protection act?
2. What is consumer
protection act? Explain the features of consumer protection act?
3. What is consumer
protection act? Explain the need and objectives of consumer protection act?
4. Give detailed
explanation of unfair trade practice as per consumer protection act 1986?
5. What is consumer
protection act? Explain the functions of consumer dispute Redressal agencies?
6. What is mean by
consumer? Explain the rights of consumer
C) Short Notes
Module- I The Indian Contract Act 1872
1. Lawful Contract
Sources of Business Laws
3. Performance of contract
Discharge of contract
Essential Elements of contract
Breach of Contract
Free Consent
Module- II Special Contract
1. Contract of Bailment
2. Sub-Agent
3. Replacement Agent
4. Pledge Contract
5. Bailee
Module- III Sale of Goods Act- 1930
1. Delivery of Goods
2. Receipt of Goods
3. Rights of Unpaid Seller
4. Types of Delivery of Goods
5. Express Conditions
6. Doctrine of Caveat Emptor
Module- IV Consumer Protection Act- 1986
1. Consumer Protection Act
2. Complainant
3. Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies
4. Consumer Disputes Redressal Mechanism/ Three-
tier System or Redressal Machinery
5. Consumer Dispute
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